Now now ... a nation COMPLETELY lacking in GATSO's can't be all THAT awful. 
And yes, while prohibitionist Taliban prohibited us from basement suds in the 
past, I'm sure the RE-emerging Taliban won't take THAT right away from us 
again. They're too busy trampling all the others and well ... even the Russkies 
learned, "let the wodka flow and we can do what we want whilst they're passed 
out."   =)

Doctor Solomon, COME ON DOWN! Nous parlons Angleterre! Heh.

At 02:19 PM 11/3/06, Unca Solly wrote:
>No chance. Why would I leave the best country in the world to live in a 
>country where, I just discovered, it was illegal to brew your own beer 
>until recently? Land of the free, giggle.

 Kevin McAleavey at your service
 Privacy Software Corporation

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