On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Brian Loe wrote:

> On 12/4/06, Drsolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >>I claim intellectual property in it, and they would have to negotiate
> > > a licence to use it or any deriative work based on it, such as a picture
> > > of me.
> > >
> > > This is an unreasonable claim. Nobody can take a picture of a public
> > > street you're in unless they have your permission?
> >
> > Sure they can. But it's their responsibilty to ensure that in doing so,
> > they don't infringe anyone's copyright.
> Hey, I want to copyright my street - can you provide a howto? Does it
> cover your whole block or just your front yard and house?

You can copyright your street if you made it. If you created your house, 
then you own the copyright to it just as you would any sculpture. You do 
not to take any action, the copyright is automatically yours. But it's up 
to you to enforce the copyright, if it's violated.
> > Hey - Microsoft is keen to enforce their own copyrights. I'm just asking
> > them to respect mine.
> Without intellectual property rights what would our world look like
> right now? Even the opensource community has copyrights... (or do they
> call them copylefts?)

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