I was but one member of the team - but it's basically all MIT's
courses for free online. Pretty cool stuff - great for home schoolers,
inspired high schoolers, self learners etc. Only thing missing is a
lot of the readings. A HUGE component of the project was rights
management - in order to fully license everything under Creative
Commons, we had to severely limit the readings we could directly make
available and spent a lot of resources recreating photos and diagrams
from scratch.

On Dec 20, 2007 2:49 PM, Brian Loe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2007 1:26 PM, B.K. DeLong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I had the privilege of being one of the founding developers of the OCW
> > project - there's about 1800 courses online including audio files and
> > transcripts of many lectures in addition to the quizes, exams, and
> > other study material.
> Well then, thank you - looks like an awesome resource, one which I have
> already shared with my kids!

B.K. DeLong (K3GRN)

http://www.wkdelong.org                    Son.
http://www.ianetsec.com                    Work.
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http://www.carolingia.eastkingdom.org   Service.
http://bkdelong.livejournal.com             Play.

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