I can't believe Young Ones isn't in your list.  One of the best ever.

-Mark Coleman

Jon Kibler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Gadi Evron wrote:
>> Mentioning Monty Python's Flying Circus seems too out of date even for
>> this listing, but it has a place of honour on my DVD shelf.
>> What are you fav Brit shows?
> What?
> No Benny Hill?
> No Faulty Towers?
> Monty Python *STILL* rocks!
> The Yes Minister series was great, too.
> For SciFi, unquestionably the Doctor, and Hitchhiker (just happen to be
> reading "So Long, and Thanks for All The Fish).
> On the Britcoms, Waiting for God was a riot, and so was Last of the
> Summer Wine.
> But nothing will ever beat Monty Python, Benny Hill, and Faulty Towers
> for comedy in any country in any language (unless Mel Brooks creates
> something new).
> My $0.02 worth.
> Jon
> - --
> Jon R. Kibler
> Chief Technical Officer
> Advanced Systems Engineering Technology, Inc.
> Charleston, SC  USA
> o: 843-849-8214
> c: 843-813-2924       (NEW!)
> s: 843-564-4224
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/jonrkibler
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