Well i would say somoene is going to be pissed off when they get their
credit card statement and find all the charger from toll free forwarding!

> > The one with the phone number (I sifted through ~10k commbank phish
> > and only came up with one unique number) is interesting. I just pinged
> > the phone number and it's still active, 2 rings then diverted to the
> > scammers, with the recorded message asking for card details. To
> > hesitate a guess, i'd say someone in Queensland is going to be
> > seriously pissed off when they get their next phone bill.
> >
> I guessed wrong. A quick google search for the number
> (http://www.google.com/search?q=61-730188670) returns one result,
> http://www.tollfreeforwarding.com/brisbane-phone-numbers.html
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