Tomas L. Byrnes wrote:

> 1: This happens once a century.

Actually, once a decade as we are allowing the reduction of the year to 
a single digit...

> 2: Since the rest of the world uses a logical, and at least sortable,
> dd/mm/yy format, ...

Correct, but irrelevant...

> ... for most of the world it will happen in August.

..._if_ we were talking about dates expressed in that format either the 
bonkers US/North American mm/dd/yy or "most of the world, sane" 
dd/mm/yy format would render the year as "09" and the "magic" breaks 
regardless of where you live, and a "once a decade" event is not that 
rare, and hence not "newsworthy".

This is one of those "made up by an idjit" things that doesn't play how 
its "inventor" thinks, at least _IF_ one bothers thinking about it at 
all rather than just repeating it ab idiotum (if you'll excuse my 
pseudo Latin)...


Nick FitzGerald

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