--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Alex Eckelberry <al...@sunbelt-software.com> wrote:

> Well, it's not insignificant.  I have two boys, and the position of 
> the Doctors was always "it doesn't matter if you circumcise or not".  
> This new statement is pretty significant -- that you can actually 
> protect against AIDs. 

It would be significant with more information behind it.

o  What is the theory about circumcision reducing AIDS?

o  Why is it "only in high-risk populations" and not in the general population?

o  Can I reduce the occurrence of pink eye by cutting off my children's eyelids?

OK, the last one was facetious (or was it....?) but without answers to the 
first two the article is information-free.  Is there some theory about a 
foreskin acting as a reservoir of viruses or some other explanation?  Is it 
possible that social factors associated with parents who circumcise is the 
cause of differences among high-risk populations?

Trying to keep an open mind, I am willing to consider that there is some 
medical basis for the ancient habit of penis mutilation.  I have to admit, 
though, that my bias is to believe the reason is the same as the ritual of 
female genital mutilation: to decrease sexual pleasure for the purpose of 
societal control.



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