How can any antivirus vendor condone such activity, let alone teach a course in 
it????  What has the world come to?  Don't they remember the whole outcry 
against the University of Calgary when they wanted to teach a course that 
involved creation of new viruses?
 Avert Labs - Malware Experience
(By appointment only)
Tuesday, Oct. 6
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
You've often heard that the Internet is a dangerous place and you've probably 
read about threats such as botnets, keystroke loggers and drive-by 
installations of malware through rigged Web sites. But what is malware really? 
How do cybercriminals launch their malicious attacks? McAfee is offering you 
the chance to find out with the unique and exclusive McAfee Malware Experience. 

Join experts from McAfee Avert Labs and have a chance to create a Trojan horse, 
commandeer a botnet, install a rootkit and experience first hand how easy it is 
to modify websites to serve up malware. Of course this will all be done in the 
safe and closed environment, ensuring that what you create doesn't actually go 
out onto the Internet. To sign up,....

Michael P. Blanchard 
Senior Security Engineer, CISSP, GCIH, CCSA-NGX, MCSE
Office of Information Security & Risk Management 
EMC ² Corporation 
4400 Computer Dr. 
Westboro, MA 01580 

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