On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 16:05:34 CDT, Fatherlaptop said:

> > Most of us get stuck with having to provide ISP service to any Joe  
> > Sixpack
> > who pays the bill, or student who gets past the Admissions office, or
> > idiot employee who makes it past HR.  And there isn't much we can do  
> > about it.
> get a Corp job!

Tell it to Randall Schwartz, who ended up with a felony conviction for
hacking mostly because when he ran Crack, it turned out that one of
Intel's vice presidents used 'viceprez' as his password. Said VP got
his nose out of joint and demanded blood...

Seriously - if you find a corporate job where you can actually *do* something
about a security-challenged VP or other highly-ranked person, let us know.
Most of the time, unless you have the ear of the CIO or CISO, and those
people outrank the idiot, you're the one that's going to end up as dog food
if you get into a major pissing match...

Or hell, it doesn't even need to be a VP - you know those security rule-bending
things that you know *all* salesdroids do when they have 45 minutes till they
make a big presentation at a customer site? Stop them from doing it just once,
and have the presentation tank as a result, and let me know how much longer you
get to work there...

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