On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &
Hannah <rmsl...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> Date sent:              Sun, 10 Jan 2010 15:53:21 +0900
> From:                   Peter Evans <pe...@ixp.jp>
> > > > http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/25.90.html#subj2
> >
> >  Just how are they doint that? Not that I approve of skype,
> >  but el presidente and drooling mac fellator keeps insisting
> >  on skype (and giving all the company docs to googlespooks, AND
> >  expecting support for the only mac in the company).
> >
> >  The above URL seemed a little light on information.
> True.  The RISKS posting seemed to imply that Skype was actually messing with
> your pages.  However, http://is.gd/61Ph8 seems to say that this is just a 
> Skype
> plug-in, and it modifies any pages you view (on the fly).  Other people have 
> been
> saying that this has been an optional plug-in: I'm wondering if it has 
> suddenly
> become default if you install Skype.  (There was also a mention that older 
> versions
> could crash IE, and that you *should* upgrade to the latest version.)
> Needs some research, I'm thinking, and I'm scared enough of Skype as it is ...

Skype has been doing this for years and it was always on by default
(and it happens locally, once the page is downloaded). It's a plugin
into the browser, and can be disabled, trivially.

> ======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
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