On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:48:03PM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> Strongly disagree (even aside from the misuse of "hack").  Abuse such
> as using others' computers without their consent is never acceptable.
> Especially for those who attempt to claim some kind of "good guys"
> moral high ground.

I agree with der Mouse, and not just because of the ethical position
involved.  On a strictly pragmatic level, it should be obvious to
everyone by now that attempted retaliation is very unlikely to succeed
in hitting the correct target, and much more likely to be redirected
against third parties.

(See, for example, the efforts of the profoundly clueless morons at
Blue Frog, which provide enough material for several case studies
in What Not To Do.)

> IE should not be used anymore?  What took you so long?

Anybody still using IE doesn't deserve any help, any sympathy, any
support. They are deliberately setting themselves on fire -- so let
them burn.

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