On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 02:18:50AM +0200, Gadi Evron wrote:
> On 1/23/10 11:54 PM, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> > If what they're doing was going to work, it would have worked by now.
> It has worked. Microsoft has made incredible efforts and their code is 
> extremely professional. That does not mean the policy is right.

And yet their systems are compromised by the tens of thousands (or more)
on a daily basis, with not the slightest sign that the trend will slow or
reverse.  I've begun to wonder whether the only reason still more aren't
compromised is that [some] attackers/abusers already have an embarrassment
of riches and just can't be bothered.

I don't care about their efforts, per se.  I don't care about their
professional code, per se.  I care about their results in the field...and
their results are hideous, and continuing to get worse -- despite ever
more extensive and sophisticated bandaids.

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