On Feb 15, 2010, at 3:33 PM, "Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &  
Hannah" <rmsl...@shaw.ca> wrote:

> Date sent:          Sat, 13 Feb 2010 23:06:03 -0500
> From:               Dan Kaminsky <d...@doxpara.com>
>> Interesting article, where the Own The Podium link is pretty much
>> admitted, BUT (and this is rather important) it's claimed this is a
>> problem in Luge,and winter sports,  *in general*.
>> http://www.ctvolympics.ca/news-centre/newsid=8935.html
> I'm not a big fan of "Own the Podium" in any case, but I don't think  
> it can be a
> factor here:
> http://www.vancouversun.com/sports/2010wintergames/Georgian+president+Thank
> s+caring+Canada/2566138/story.html
> "In fact, it turns out Friday's fatal run was Kumaritashvili's 26th  
> time down the
> track. His first nine, last November, were uneventful. They were all  
> from the
> novice, junior or women's start location. In 16 of his next 17 runs,  
> he took on the
> full men's run, and Friday's crash was his fourth -- three of them  
> on the same
> Corner 16 that was the beginning of the end."
> Lugers from overseas were training on the track a year ago.

Own the Podium is on the record saying they need to limit how many  
runs foreigners get, specifically to maximize Canadian chances to win.  
So they're definitely restricting access.

Or do you think it's a coincidence that this guy's first serious runs  
were mere days before the event opened up?

The real question is if a large number of nonfatal crashes might have  
been enough to cause alterations to the track to compensate. Hard to  
know the answer to that. I will say it's worth looking at the  
statistics for luge to see the difference this advantage profers.

> Interestingly, the fact that all runs are now being done from the  
> women's start,
> which reduces the speed by about 10km/h, is prompting complaints  
> from some
> who are saying the slower track gives an advantage ... (etc)

One more death and the event would be cancelled entirely. Don't think  
they didn't consider it.

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> brochure.                             --Douglas Adams
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