I buzzed the article. Excellent job Larry! Not that anyone will promote it
to the nightly news... ;-]

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:26, Larry Seltzer <la...@larryseltzer.com> wrote:

> http://blogs.pcmag.com/securitywatch/2010/06/privacy_police_go_paranoid_aga.php
> (Yes, this is a little about driving traffic to my blog, but it’s also
> on-point for funsec.
> Why do people get so irrational about privacy issues?
> I've spoken to several people who have been involved with real software
> development (as I have) and we all find Google's explanation of the Street
> View Wifi data collection 
> incident<http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2364904,00.asp?kc=PCRSS05079TX1K0000992>
>  perfectly plausible. I'll go further: The idea that they intended to
> collect Wifi payload data for this operation is highly implausible.
> ….

steve pirk
"father... the sleeper has awakened..." paul atreides - dune
kexp.org member august '09
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