On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 06:23:32PM -0500, valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:
> OK Rich, I'll bite.  Now that you've blown "spammer filth" for Zuckerberg, 
> what
> pejorative term are you going to use for the botnet herders, the fake
> penis-enlarging pill sellers, the whole 419 scene, the dirty-as-sin DNS
> registries and hosting facilities, all of the RBN's electronic hijinks, and
> other *real* bottom-feeders?

"Spammer filth".  It just has that lexical ring to it. ;-)

Slightly more seriously: there is no substantive difference between any
of these other than their tactics.  They're all part of the same ecosystem
of abuse -- which is, unfortunately, rich enough to support all their
diverse (and sometimes interlocking) approaches.


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