>> Has there been any study done on what data Chrome collects and
>> passes along to Google?
> How many places do you already more-or-less send your browsing
> history (Google SafeBrowsing, McAfee SiteAdvisor, Websense, etc) ?

None, oddly enough.

Not even a history file on my local system; lynx is configured to not
even save that stuff locally.

> We just hope they're not secretly up to some nefarious
> extracurricular activities :-)

I haven't trusted Google since they introduced gmail, with its "we're
going to hide the actual origin" botch, despite having it pointed out
to them ahead of time.  But what _really_ tore it with me was when they
started spamming me, continued despite being notified of it, kept
pecking away for months despite a 100% rejection rate, and then morphed
their spam so as to avoid the block I'd thrown up to produce that 100%
rejection rate.

I no longer accept any mail from google.  At all.  And I consider their
"don't be evil", whatever it started out as, to be pure cynical PR now.

It may be at least partially from incompetence at implementing SMTP
rather than malice, but in an organization that big and that well
heeled, there is no excuse for that kind of rudimentary incompetence.

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