On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &
Hannah <rmsl...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71625.html
> (To remind you why ITU may not be the safest bet for governance of the
> Internet, remember that these are the people who brought us OSI.  Not the 
> model:
> that was decent.  The actual network ...

$ "But if Russia, India and other countries have their way, that could
$ all change. Models under discussion would potentially give
$ governments more power over Web content and the pipes through
$ which it flows. Critics fret that countries might try to use that new
$ power to monetize Web traffic...."

(1) It seems we have the monetization now - when I type a non-existent
website in Firefox, Verizon sends me to a page with their ads. This
behavior breaks DNS behavior specified in the RFCs.

(2) The rest of the world does not want to be subjugated by a US
controlled DNS and gestapo legislation such as the PATRIOT Act. And I
don't blame them.

(3) Jon Postel wanted a DNS system shared among nations. He was
working on it before he died. The US authorities vehemently opposed

$ One of the group’s ideas is to establish “international control over the
$ Internet using the monitoring and supervisory capabilities of the ITU,”

(4) This is not palatable, but the US is monitoring nearly all US
voice and data traffic now. Anyone who disagrees should watch the PBS
documentary, "The Spy Factory"
(http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/military/spy-factory.html). The director
interviews AT&T technicians who worked where one of the taps occurs,
and interviews US Army analysts who perform the monitoring.

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