On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &
Hannah <rmsl...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> An interesting infographic, showing patent cooperation (some) and conflict (a
> whole mess).
> http://visual.ly/tech-patent-wars
> http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669900/infographic-sweet-jesus-the-patent-war-has-
> gotten-crazy
> I found this on the same day I found out about Apple patenting the iPen:
> http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=apples-next-invention-the-ipen-
> 2012-05&WT.mc_id=SA_CAT_TECH_20120529
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57440736-37/apple-tinkers-with-ipen-stylus-
> and-haptic-feedback/
> Which is personally annoying.  For some time I have wanted some form of smart
> pen (or pencil: I'm not picky) that will actually write on paper, but also 
> store what
> you wrote.  (It's the way I do most of the initial research for my reviews.)  
> No, I
> don't want a pad and stylus: just the pen.  I can download the notes later 
> (probably
> via USB).
> The precursors of this came out a while back.  The mere existence of Apple's
> patent is probably the reason they haven't developed.  Whether Apple intends 
> to
> do anything with it or not.
> For some time I have been engaged in various contracts involving the breaking 
> of
> old patents.  As an author, I naturally have some sympathy for the protection 
> of
> intellectual property.  But the further I go in this field, the more I am 
> beginning to
> think that the entire concept is hopelessly and inherently flawed ...
I look at it this way - software patents are probably here to stay.

For those who want and/or use them, let them die by the sword, too.
Make them subject to software liability laws when their insecure or
broken crap really breaks.

The same for the DRM folks - let them have their $10,000 fines. Every
time they accidentally accuse us or deny us access as a licensed user,
allow us to redress the action for $10,000.

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