Conference organizers at EuSecWest in Amsterdam are dangling $200,000
in cash prizes to security researchers who demonstrate zero-day
attacks against the most widely deployed smart phones.

The cash bounty will form part of Mobile Pwn2Own 2012, a special
edition of the hacker challenge that pits vulnerability finders and
exploit writers against fully patched computers and smart phones.

TippingPoint ZDI, which is sponsoring the contest along with AT&T and
BlackBerry, says the primary goal is to demonstrate the current
security posture of the most prevalent mobile technologies in use
today; including attacks on mobile web browsers, Near Field
Communication (NFC), Short Message Service (SMS), and the cellular

The organizers plan to shell out a $100,000 prize for a successful
hack of Cellular Baseband and $40,000 each for zero-day exploits
against NFC and SMS.   For a mobile web browser hack, Pwn2Own will pay
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