Apple is now beginning to store its Chinese users' data inside
mainland China. According to a Reuters report, Apple is now working
with China Telecom as a data center provider for Apple iCloud
customers in China.

Apple noted that data is encrypted and that China Telecom will not be
able to access the data. Apple's move to have a China-based data
center for its Chinese users indicates the importance of data
sovereignty in the modern world. While data can be stored anywhere and
accessed anywhere, certain areas of the world are increasingly
demanding that local user data be stored locally.

Data sovereignty is an important issue for China, Craig Carpenter,
chief cyber-security strategist at AccessData, told eWEEK. "Encrypted
or not, with user data housed onshore, the Chinese government can
ensure they have theoretical access to it—and that other governments,
most notably the U.S.—do not," Carpenter said. "That is a key benefit
here for the Chinese government."

Apple's move also signals to Chinese citizens that the government's
ability to monitor any user activity remains intact, he said. In
Carpenter's view, while the fact the data is encrypted may give some
comfort, he said he doubts many Chinese users think the government
couldn't get to the data if they really wanted to.

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