A "conversation" on Twitter today ...

As the NYTimes notes, using anonymous sources in stories leads to trust issues 
(true too in #bcpoli stories I think) http://nyti.ms/1saYqrp
 - https://twitter.com/robshaw_vansun/status/502860502318714880

@robshaw_vansun A senior government official, who spoke on the condition of 
anonymity, says you have no idea what you're talking about.
 - https://twitter.com/jonathanfowlie/status/502864567337517056

@jonathanfowlie Sources close to the issue say you had oatmeal for breakfast 
today (who cares if this is wrong, sources said it)
 - https://twitter.com/robshaw_vansun/status/502864829472722945

======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca     sl...@victoria.tc.ca     rsl...@computercrime.org
      If you can tell good advice from bad advice,
           you don't *need* any advice
victoria.tc.ca/techrev/rms.htm http://www.infosecbc.org/links
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