OK, yes, I know that we all use Turing architecture, and therefore there is no 
inherent difference between code and data.

And I'm even willing to believe that somebody building a one-off specialty 
program would be a bit careless about buffer overflows and such.

And, yes, we used to fool around programming using only printable characters 
other weird restrictions on the code.

But I still say that using fractal pattterns would be a particularly 
inefficient way to 
store arbitrary code.

And you'd probably have to know this one-off specialty system better than the 
original programmer, designer, and hardware architect to do the damage that way.

(And nobody mentioned how you over-revved the CPU to get it to overheat ...)

======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
I have often stood there and looked out upon my past life and
upon the different surroundings which have exercised their power
upon me: and the pettiness which so often gives offense in life,
the numerous misunderstandings too often separating minds which
if they properly understood one another would be bound together
by indissoluble ties, vanished before my gaze.   - Soren Kierkegaard
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