h4x0rs, InfoSec geeks, script kidz, posers, and friends,

CarolinaCon is back for its 11th year, which is also billed as "the last 
CarolinaCon as we know it".  For about the price of your average movie 
admission with popcorn and a drink ($20), YOU are invited to join us for yet 
another intimate and informative weekend of hacking-related education.

This year's event will be held on the weekend of March 20th-22nd 2015 in 
Raleigh NC at the North Raleigh Hilton (Midtown).

The currently chosen lineup includes more presenters named Old Gregg than 
you'll find at any conference anywhere, along with other esteemed individuals, 
such as;

- Have you ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? (aka Pen-Testing & Social 
Engineering Convergence) - Old Gregg (smrk3r)
- Cryptocurrency Laundering Theory for Fun and Retirement - Old Gregg (myddrn)
- How to design your "You got hacked" page - Old Gregg (digital shokunin)
- Electronics Engineering for Pen-Testers - Old Gregg (melvin2001)
- Phony Business - What Goes Around Comes Back Around - Unregistered & Snide
- Elevator Obscura: Industry Hacks & Answers to all Your Odd Questions About 
Those Magical Moving Rooms - Howard Payne & Deviant Ollam
- Rethinking the Origins of the Lock - Schuyler Towne
- RedneckSec - @th3mojo
- Cyber War Stories - Andrew Shumate
- One Step Closer to the Matrix: Machine Learning and Augmented Reality in 
Networking - Rob Weiss & John Eberhardt
- I live in a van and so can you - Mark Rickert, aka Matt Foley
- Drilling Deeper with Veil’s PowerTools - Justin Warner (@sixdub) & Will 
Schroeder (@harmj0y)
- Hacker's Practice Ground - Lokesh Pidawekar
- Social engineering is bullsh*t, call it what it is - surpherdave
- Anatomy of Web Client Attacks - Jason Gillam
- Art of Post-infection Response and Mitigation - chill 
- SPAM, Phish and Other Things Good to Eat - Joshua Schroeder / JoshInGeneral
.....and potentially 1-2 other l33t talks that we might be able to squeeze in!

Side events currently on tap include;
- Capture The Flag
- Mobile Museum of Vintage Technology
- Lockpicking Village
- Hacker Trivia
- Android Netrunner
- Pulp Fiction Canonical Drinking Game
- "Unofficial" Shootout (details at http://hackers.withguns.com/)

For those traveling to the event or who simply want to stay at the Hilton venue 
throughout, hotel rooms at the special CarolinaCon group rate can be reserved 
via this link.

ALERT: The special group rate is only available until February 20th, so book 
now if interested.

For other exciting details as they develop stay tuned to: 

If you have any important questions about the event that are NOT answered in 
website content you can send an email to; info<at>carolinacon.org


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