Why did I immediately think of Chucky when I was reading this... and I am
sure that propaganda (state or corporate sponsored) is top on the list of
undocumented features...

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &
Hannah <rmsl...@shaw.ca> wrote:

> http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-31502898
> Oh, I can't see any possible problems with that.
> Let's see.  Like Siri, et al, the computing power, and data storage, for
> parsing
> what the kid says is undoubtedly elsewhere.  (Mattel?  Apple?  Microsoft?
> the
> NSA?)  So, everything your kid says around the doll is going somewhere, and
> being stored.  (Forever?)  Everything you, or anybody else, says around
> the doll
> is being stored.
> Then what kind of algorithm is being used to "feed" jokes and games?  There
> wouldn't be *any* possibility that someone could tweak the agenda here, is
> there?  No possibility of propaganda aimed at the kids?
> And I'm *sure* that Mattel has thought long and hard about the security of
> all
> those transactions.  They'd all be protected by bullet-proof crypto,
> authentication and security so that no attacker could hijack the stream.
> You
> know, no crooks trying to find out if the kid is home alone with only an
> inexperienced babysitter, no child pornographers teaching kids how to use
> Webcams, no pedophiles setting up meets with the kids ...
> ======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
> rsl...@vcn.bc.ca     sl...@victoria.tc.ca     rsl...@computercrime.org
> We die only once, and for such a long time.                - Moliere
> victoria.tc.ca/techrev/rms.htm http://www.infosecbc.org/links
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