> Date sent:            Sat, 18 Apr 2015 10:14:16 +0200 (CEST)
> From:                 Gabrielle Owen <o.boncompa...@usl8.toscana.it>
> Send reply to:        gabrielleow...@hotmail.com

> Is this mailbox still in use?

======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rsl...@vcn.bc.ca     sl...@victoria.tc.ca     rsl...@computercrime.org
Santorum knows in his heart that elderly Dutch people are
routinely euthanized against their will by doctors.  He believes
this to be true, no matter what the elite media tries to tell
him.  It's the same way I know that one in four Laotians are born
with an extra finger and that the most common name in Chad is
Chad.  It's just what I believe.      - Joshua Keating t.co/EKLzFFia
victoria.tc.ca/techrev/rms.htm http://www.infosecbc.org/links
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