>> It should do something like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <REPLY>
> I think the header should be more like that if we follow the INVENTORY XML
> format example:
> Can't this be passed in the OPTS line too?

Sure... See later

>>      <COMMAND>wemerge.cmd | wemerge.sh</RUNTASK>
>>      <OPTS>--automatic-service | --automatic-service-user ....</OPTS>
>>              <VAR>FOO=BAR</VAR>
> I suggest this instead which is a bit more in the spirit of what
> already in the inventory.
>       <ENVS>
>                 <NAME>FOO</NAME>
>               <VAR>BAR</VAR>
>       </ENVS>
>       <ENVS>
>                 <NAME>FOO2</NAME>
>               <VAR>BAR2</VAR>
>       </ENVS>

This is ok. (but may be not needed)

>>      </ENVIRONMENT>
>>      <SHAREDATA>
>>              <MOUNTCMD>net use</MOUNTCMD>
>>              <SHARE>\\server\share</SHARE>
>>              <SHAREUSER>username</SHAREUSER>
>>              <SHAREPASS>password</SHAREPASS>
>>      </SHAREDATA>
> How do you pass this to you agent, is it a parameter? If so
> can't we put that in <OPTS> too?
>> </REPLY>

This might be helpful for the agent. But if you dont want to do the
mount stuff from the agent, there will be an other procedure to run the
script -> like in wpkg -> see the comment later

> For wpkg, we need to be able to retrieve files from the server. I suggest
> something similar with ENVS:
> <URL>http://toto/aa | \\server\aa\tt</URL>
> <EXTRACT>1 | 0</EXTRACT> should the file be extracted (optional)
> </FILES>

This should be also possible with uranos, download the master control
script which makes all the stuff needed (mount, install etc...) from an
<URL> and run this with the <OPTS>. Also the <COMMAND> and the
<ENVIRONMENT> might be optional. There are a lot of different ways how
this can be solved. I will adapt the easiest solution ;)

> What is the format of the answer to expect? I suggest:
> <RUN_DURATION>1234</RUN_DURATION> The time used to run the command (optional)
> <RET_CODE></RET_CODE> (optional)
> <LOG> (optional)
> balbablabla
> blaglablaba
> balba
> bablabal
> </LOG>

It would be nice if the agent catch all the output from the smaster
controll script (see above) and put it into the <LOG> section.
This will be fine for me...

Following the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle:
The agent should do only main tasks so that you never have to change it:
1.) get the script from somewhere (http[s] with or whithout auth) and
store it local
2.) run the scritp with the <OPTS>
3.) catch the return code and the output from the script and
4.) send it back to the server

What do u think?

>>> A question regarding unattended-gui, is it possible to reuse the PHP server 
>>> side
>>> part for example, in GLPI? Or maybe through webservice?
>> What do you mean with this? The software installation part? Can you
>> explain this? What you want to do? As it is open source you can reuse
>> the code as you want. If you need a interface (SOAP, PLAIN or whatever)
>> it should be possible to integrate this into unattended-gui.
> Yes, is it possible to interact with your agent from GLPI / GOSA / Foobar?
> If so, how? I've no plan regarding that. I'm just curious to know how
> it's possible to have interaction between our different projects.

What agent do you mean? Or you mean the server? In which way you think
about an interaction?

Cheers and Thank you mario

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