I have a question on creating a rule that will return a purl based on First and Last name.
For example. If I have 2 fields (FName) and (LName) or (John) and (Doe) I want to return johndoe I know that I can do a simple rule that says return ToLower(Field("FName")) + ToLower(Field("Lname")) and this will give me the two concatenated fields to lower w/o any spaces, but I am trying to create a complex rule that will prevent the names with characters i.e. (E.J.)(O'Brian)(and even the trailing accidental spaces) So basically I want to create a rule that will return ejsmith and not e.j.smith or chrisobrian and not chriso'brian Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks- -- Users of FusionPro Desktop have unlimited free email support. Contact Printable Support at [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- View FusionPro Knowledge Base, FusionPro Samples at www.printable.com/vdp/desktop.htm -- You are currently subscribed to fusionpro as: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- -- Note: All e-mail sent to or from this address will be received or otherwise recorded by the e-mail recipients of this forum. It is subject to archival, monitoring or review by, and/or disclosure to someone other than the recipient. Our privacy policy is posted on www.printplanet.com --