
If you want, you can zip up some sample files and send them to me. I will test 
them out in our lab but probably can't get to it till tomorrow morning.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:51 PM
To: FusionPro Users Forum
Subject: [fusionpro] RE: Does output to multiple files work for
everybody but me?

Hi Bruce,

Yep, I have. It is a 3up. I've tried various mutliples of three and then I
even tried some that weren't just to see what would happen. I've tried
1650, 1200, 550, 1653 (I've lost count actually of all the variations I
tried). No matter what number I put in, I get the error message and one
output file.

Interestingly enough, I just tried a test where I didn't select any
imposition file at all. I then get multiple output files (but of course I
do need it to be 3up, so I need the imposition).

So, I tried remaking an entirely new imposition file in case mine was
corrupted somehow. But I still get the error. Very frustrating. And I
think I've stumped support. :-(

Thanks for the quick reply.

> Kim
> Did you check that the number of records imposed on a sheet will fit =
> evenly in a chunk? For example, if you are imposing 3 up on a sheet, =
> then the number of records in a chunk needs to be a multiple of 3 like =
> 333 for one hundred sheets. =20
> Bruce

> Could anyone tell me if they are able to use the "output to multiple
> files" option when composing on a Mac?
> I've tried different numbers, changed my imposition settings, stood on =
> my
> head and hopped on one foot. No matter what I do, I get the following
> error:
> "The number of records requested in a chunk is not compatible with the
> imposition setting. The number of records in a chunk has been adjusted."
> I'm running version 4.1 on a Mac and I'm outputting JLT (I have tried
> outputting to PDF too).
> Thanks for any help.
> -kim

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