Below is a rule that Dan Korn helped me with. I'd like to add one part to
the rule. I'd like the ampersand character "&" to be converted to the word
"and" if user types "&". Can this be easily added to this rule?

Thank you,
Ed Johnson

Here's the existing rule:

function ToCase(text, CaseSelection)
switch (ToLower(CaseSelection))
case "allcaps":
case "uppercase":
return ToUpper(text);
case "lowercase":
return ToLower(text);
case "propercase":
return ToTitleCase(text);
case "smallcaps":
return "<smallcap>" + text + "</smallcap>";
return text;

var CaseSelection="propercase";
var text = "title";

var Exceptions = [ "LAN", "MIS", "NASD", "WAN", "PPGA", "HVAC", "LTD",
"and", "the", "of", "to" ];
var result = ToCase(Field(text), CaseSelection);
for (var i in Exceptions)
var re = RegExp("\\b" + Exceptions[i] + "\\b", "gi");
result = result.replace(re, Exceptions[i]);

return result;

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