Printable is looking for a volunteer. Don Goldman is leading a panel
at the Executive Outlook conference on the Saturday before GraphExpo (Sept
8) on Web to Print. It is a one hour session and there will be 3
panelists. The focus of the session is on how to get into the web to print
business. Don is looking for someone on the panel that has a good story to
tell on how they have gotten into this business.
    The structure of this program is a typical Goldman panel - up to 10
minutes of telling  with regards to company history, progress and
accomplishment along with the types of services offered. Once all the
presenters have spoken there will be a discussion where Don will ask some
startup questions on the technical, marketing and operation side of
running such a business. Then the panel will then entertain questions from
the audience.
    Participants will get an outline of the structure and a series of
potential questions in advance.
    To get an idea of the entire days program got to 
<>  and
click on other information plus Executive Outlook (they don't make it easy
to find). The attendance is usually over 200 people. This is a concurrent
sessions so there will likely be about 100 people in the audience since
web to print is a hot topic.

Please respond off-line if you're interested. It would be great to have a
user of Printable products on the panel.
Gail Nickel-Kailing 
Cell: 425-894-8524
Fax: 413-460-3602

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