Monthly Reminder -- a quick note to all members!

FusionPro Forum content standards:
* The forum is for the users of FusionPro products only; vendors and suppliers may not participate.
* Every member has equal status.
* Be respectful of other members and keep the discussion constructive at all times.
* Keep in mind that messages on the forum are not pre-screened.
* Keep all on-topic conversations on the forum for all to share and learn from.
* Please do not respond to postings that are off topic.
* Attachments cannot be posted to the forum.
* Please use ONLY plain, not-styled,  text to post messages to the forum.
* Remove previous message headers and footers when replying.
* Use inline quoting to call attention to specific details.
* PLEASE Change "subject" before replying if you change the topic.

Management and policy feedback should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call Printable at 1-858-847-6600.

When you read your own email you may not be aware that it contains hidden codes that create rich text or XHTML formatting. It probably reads just fine on your own machine. However, Rich text, html, or other enhanced e-mail formats that add additional formatting tags that congest emails, weekly digest messages, and archives for the forums.

Please remember that the FusionPro Forum requires plain text postings free of rich text, styling, html, or other enhanced email formats. If your email application doesn't have a plain text option, please respond to forum emails by going online and posting your response from the Web site at

We appreciate your participation! Thank you for being a member and participating on the forum! It is our goal to provide a good experience for all users.

The FusionPro Users forum is a place where users of Printable Technologies FusionPro products can share best practices, knowledge, and experience and get peer support. It is not a venue for discussing company policies or issues beyond the FusionPro products.

Members may not post prices, advertising, announcements, or press releases.

Go to to change your membership status or configuration, including setting digest-style delivery, or disabling delivery altogether for a vacation, unsubscribing, and so on.

It may be helpful { but not required } for other members of the forum if you share the following information when seeking assistance:
-- Version of FusionPro
-- Platform
-- Other Software versions involved
-- Workflow
-- System summary

Dave Mainwaring
Managing Director, PrintPlanet

PrintPlanet Forums offer graphic arts professionals a keen insight into what people in our industry are thinking about. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is one of eighteen forums. Everyday, printers, designers, corporate publishers, service providers, agency reps, industry vendors and print buyers are all sharing ideas on one of the discussion forums. And the best part.... It's all free! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Calling all FP Web Users!

Do you have a question or lots of knowledge to share about FusionPro Web?

If so, join our Printable Web to Print Users' Forum today!

Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to find out how! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

Users of FusionPro Desktop have unlimited free email support. Contact Printable Support at [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
View FusionPro Knowledge Base, FusionPro Samples at

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