From: Ed Weick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This is an appealing, return to Eden, type of vision.  If only we could!!

I agree that it is HIGHLY unlikely.  Moreover, the window of opportunity is
closing very fast (e.g., After we bombed Russia back into the Stone Age with
economists, they have apparently decided to rewire the bipolar world).

I see three basic scenarios ahead of us (although I realize the
reality will be a blend ,or something completely different):

#1. Business as usual with incremental deterioration leading to global
social collapse within 30 years.  The Third World descends into anarchy
while the First World evolves into something like Orwell's 1984.  Given the
constipated politics in the First World, this is my most likely scenario.

#2.  Same as #1, except the First World sees the Third World as a strategic
threat to its life-support system and moves to eliminate the threat with
biological agents.  After most of the world has been depopulated, a fairly
decent life becomes possible for the survivors.  This option will look
more-and-more attractive to rich First Worlders as gas lines become

#3.  Back to Eden.  This is my preferred scenario, but the least likely.

A billionare should set-up a pilot Eden project somewhere...  There is
very little time...  The alternatives are horrible.


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