In response to Tom Lunde, Arthur Cordell, Michael Gurstein, Eva Durant, Neva Goodwin and Sherry Martin
Thanks to all of you for your comments.
I think we do need positive and optimistic visions as Arthur Cordell and Sherry Martin were posting.
We also need the pessimistic "black" visions like Michael Gurstein's "Angell Dust", just to know, whereto it could lead us.
I fully agree with Eva Durant, that more democracy will bring more chance of conscious cooperation, of free flow of information about dangers and options. Take the example of the end of the German Democratic Republic - "We are the People" was the slogan of the peaceful revolution.
There are a lot of economic and political trends coming from North America to Europe, but it could be the other way round some time : take the efforts for a 35hours work week in France and Italy, take the strike in Denmark for more paid vacation days.
The new social democratic governments in Europe - far away from beeing socialistic - are still fearing the political impact of a rising unemployment rate. The creation of labour is their first goal.
Unfortunately there are only few voices who are asking, what kind of work is needed. Job creation politics has to start - like energy politics - with an evaluation what kind of work should and could be reduced.
After that we should discuss ways to achieve a fair distribution of paid and unpaid work, between men and woman, between regions and continents.
I would be happy, if based on internet-debates like our's, we could formulate an international work-reduction programme for the next 20 years. Let us try a revival of the strong 8-hours movement in the USA some 100 to 120 years ago.
With best wishes,   Robert Neunteufel
I invite you, to visit my personal website:

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