[ By the way, this is not personal in any way.  Debating this stuff on the
   internet is my idea of having a good time. ]

From: Douglas P. Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I hate to see him make such a fool of himself.   I'd still like to put his
>theories to the test by writing and running a similation, but that

Everyday life IS putting my theories to the test and the results will be in
soon. But one doesn't need to "run a simulation" in order to discern the
nature of reality, all one needs to do is pay attention.

The "lesson of the cake" simply demonstrates that one can not have his
cake and eat it too.   This elementary concept  -- which most people would
consider common sense -- is denied by economic cargo cult members:

               JUST LIKE MAGIC
                   by Jay Hanson

Once upon a time, Daddy Economist, Mommy Economist, and a litter of
little Economists were in a mountain cabin, sitting in front of a small
coal- burning stove to keep warm. Although most people know that when coal
burns, it's gone forever, Daddy Economist isn't worried because he was
trained to believe that when the coal is gone, a substitute will magically
appear. So when the coal is gone, he looks around, and his furniture pops
into view -- just like magic! So Daddy Economist starts breaking up his
furniture and burning it in the small stove.

Now the Economists must sit on the floor, but heck, it's better than the
alternative: dying. Then one day, SURPRISE!!! All the furniture is nearly
gone. But Daddy Economist isn't worried because he believes a substitute
will magically appear. So when the furniture is gone, he starts ripping the
boards off the walls of his cabin and burning them in the stove to keep

Now the Economists must sit on the floor very close to the stove, but heck,
it's better than the alternative: dying. Then one day, SURPRISE!!! All of
the cabin that will burn is gone. But Daddy Economist isn't worried. He
starts pulling the clothes off his family and burning them in the stove to
keep warm.

Now the Economists are forced to stand right next to the stove and
constantly turn, but heck, it's better than the alternative: dying. Then in
a few hours, SURPRISE!!! All the Economists' clothes have been burnt in the
stove. But Daddy Economist isn't worried because ....

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