This is our Sun God, it is called "Profit".  And our priests are those who
reflect the God’s blessing.  And we follow them, for they have convinced us
that without work and responsibility we cannot be part of the chosen, that
we are deficient in some way, in terms of ambition or energy or skills.  In
fact, we have become so hopeless that it is useless to try and help us.
Better the harsh lessons of nature the priests degree, put their back
against the wall and let them learn self sufficiency or perish.  If we
ignore their handicaps, they will rise to the occasion, sure it will hurt,
but better them than some part of my productivity.

This then is our Sun God, it is called "Profit".  And our priests are those
who employ, market, promote that which makes them profit.  And so we value a
whole host of activities based on the assumption that they are good because
they produce a "profit".  We determine value, not based on the reality of
virtues but on the exploitation of opportunity.  I will give two brief

As I sit here and write, my friend Kathy, with whom I share a common
interest as we both have two children aged 8 & 11 who have been friends
since birth.  Bright, creative, healthy and loving, and we and our mates
have invested major portions of our life to achieve the possibility of these
qualities they exhibit.

At the moment, they are dancing in the living room to a popular group known
as the Spice Girls and having a great time.  Kathy stopped by and asked me
if I had ever listened to the words of the song playing and I admitted I
hadn’t.  "They are all about sex and fucking," she said and the vulgarity of
her language shocked me into considering why this music was available to our
children.  This music is available because it is profitable to the group,
the record company, the store owner who have no consideration for the
effects of these lyrics, only that they can be packaged and sold for a
profit.  Each of these actors in the chain of production and distribution
are doing it because it is a commodity that will produce a profit for
themselves in terms of employment or corporate profit.  If my 11 year old
becomes curious and experiments with sex and has a child, they assume no
responsibility that the activities that reward them may destroy the life of
a very young woman.

Secondly, as I drove across Canada with my children, I noticed that the
majority of prairie farmers yards exhibited lawns of two and three acres -
they looked like miniature golf courses, they were beautiful.  When I got to
my cousins farm, he had five acres of mowed lawn and every member of the
family took turns riding the little tractor lawn mower around for hours to
achieve this lawn.  "How much do one of those cost?" I asked.  "The cheapest
is around two thousand but you can get them up to ten thousand dollars." my
cousin replied.

Now you have to step back and ask how this happens.  Why would a
civilization expend such incredible sums in machinery, fuel, and labour on
something as non-productive as a lawn?  I would maintain it is because of
advertising, which creates the image of a large beautiful lawn as an
attribute of wealth and culture.  And because it is profitable to a group of
actors who bear no responsibility for the wasting of resources used to
create this false illusion.  They create the machinery and the illusion for
their personal gain, disregarding the greater effects such as the depletion
of petroleum reserves, the pollution of our environment with engines that
have no pollution requirements, the use of minerals which may be essential
for future generations, the use of energy to mine, smelt, distribute the raw
resources needed for production.  All these good reasons for not having a
five acre lawn are disregarded in the pursuit of profit.

In fact, not only are they disregarded, there is a deliberate attempt to
ridicule them as enemies to full employment, (the work ethic) and a healthy
economy. (Profits, the equivalence of the Aztecs good crops)  And when the
crops, I’m sorry, profits fail, then it is time to scapegoat those outside
the established religion, the poor, the lazy, those who for whatever reason
do not worship or are not allowed to worship in the religion of work.

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