If there are no employees, no profits, what is the point of 


> I once made the simple extrapolation that, if the decision to automate remains
> the prerogative of individual firms, then the collective result may eventually
> be a totally automated economy (a version of "The Tragedy of the Commons)!
> With noone having a job then who will buy the output (shades of Reuther)?
> Having read Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler, The Capitalist Manifesto,
> and Peter F. Drucker, The Pension Fund Revolution, I wondered whether all
> people should be shareholders with government, if necessary, buying shares on
> their behalf. 
> Now has appeared Jeff Gates's book, The Ownership Solution, detailing such an
> approach. <http://www.ownershipsolution.com/>
> Whereas Tom Lunde's essay, Basic Income, seems to rely on government to issue
> and control funds, the solution envisioned by Gates relies on the operation of
> business firms through ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) and variants
> including other stakeholders, consumers, local communities, etc.
> Bob
> -- 
> ___________________________________________________________________
> http://www.geog.uwo.ca/mcdaniel1.html

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