Steve Kurtz wrote:
> Dear Thomas,

> Your axe is social justice; mine is long term habitat health and
> minimization of scarcity induced conflicts. You accept the system at base,
> and plea for redistribution of credits. My view is equal slices of an
> insufficient renewable pie results in maximum suffering and dieoff. Of
> course, you may not think the pie is insufficient!

It is certainly not right to construct a conflict between social justice
and ecological concerns! Therefore I do not think that the solution to
overpopulation is to starve the "unnecessary" people to death, or hope
for their annihilation by war and plague.

Today it looks like that the European populations are trying to
eliminate themselves. I no country in Europe are so many children born
that the children will replace their parents generation.
In Italy the population will be reduced by 50% within a century, since
the average woman in Italy gives birth to less than 1.4 child. 

Some countries are producing more children than they can raise and feed
- but in Europe so few children are born, and have been born after 1970,
that the development of European societies will be hampered few decades
ahead. The reason is I guess that women in Europe are free to decide
themselves how many children they will have. 
The most important reason to overpopulation is the supression of women
in those countries which are producing more children than they can feed.
To prevent overpopulation one has to given poor women a larger slice of
the pie, an equal slice of the pie, and education and the possibility to
run their own lives.

All the best
Tor Førde

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