---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:00:10 -0400
From: Doug Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Alternatives to Globalization

>                       International Conference on Alternatives to Globalization
>                                       November 7-9, 1998
>                               Development Academy of the Philippines
>                                     Tagaytay City, Philippines
>                                         Draft Program
> November 6
> Arrival/Registration

> November 7
> 8:00 Registration
> 10:00 Welcome Address
> 10:15 Opening Address
> 10:45 Critique & Perspectives on Imperialist Crisis & Globalization
> 11:30 Strategies in Confronting Globalization
> 12:15 Open Forum
> 12:30 Lunch
> 2:00 Global Financial Crisis and the IMF and Strategies in Resolving the Crisis
> 2:45 Critique & Strategies Against Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) & 
>World Trade Organization (WTO)
> 3:30 TNCs, the MAI and Corporate Rule
> 4:15 Coffee Break
> 4:30 Open Forum
> 5:00 Simultaneous Workshop A
> 1 Financial Crisis & the IMF
> 2 WTO and MAI
> 3 Transnational Corporations
> 6:30 Plenary of Workshop Results
> 7:30 Dinner
> November 8
> 9:30 Strategies of Citizens' Movement In Industrialized Countries Against 
> 10:15 Coffee Break
> 10:30 Third World People's Movement Against Globalization
> 11:15 Open Forum
> 12:00 Lunch
> 1:30 Globalization and the Struggle for the Environement
> 2:15 Impact of Globalization on Marginalized Societies and the Strategies by 
>Indigenous People
> 3:00 Strategies of the Women's Movement in Fighting Globalization
> 3:45 Open Forum
> 4:15 Break
> 4:30 Simultaneous Workshop
> 1 Citizens' Movemnets in Industrialized Countries
> 2 Citizens' Movemnets in Third World Country
> 3 Indigenous People
> 4 Environement
> 6:00 Plenary of Workshop Results
> November 9
> 8:30 Peasant Movements Confronting Imperialist Globalization
> 9:15 Workers' Movements Confronting Imperialist
> Globalization
> 10:00 Coffee Break
> 10:15 Open Forum
> 10:45 Simultaneous Workshop C
> 1 Workers
> 2 Women
> 3 Peasants
> 11:15 Plenary Workshop Results
> 12:00 Lunch
> 1:30 Impact of Globalization on Marginalized Societies and Strategies for Least 
>Developed Countries
> 2:15 Liberation Movements as a Response to Imperialism
> 3:00 Global Perspectives in the Struggle Against Globalization
> 3:45 Open Forum
> 4:15 Coffee Break
> 4:30 Plenary
> 6:30 Dinner
> 8:00 Solidarity Night
> November 10
> Departure
>                                        Invited Speakers
> Antonio Tujan Jr.
> IBON Foundation Inc.
> Philippines
> Prof. Deepak Nayyar
> J. Nehru University
> India
> Martin Khor
> Third World Network
> Malaysia
> Tony Clarke
> Polaris Institute
> Canada
> Agnes Bertrand
> France
> Bamrung Kayopha
> Assembly for the Poor
> Thailand
> Lori Wallach
> Public Citizen
> Andrew Rowell
> International Soceity for Ecology and Culture
> United Kingdom
> Jason Fox
> Maori legal Service
> New Zealand
> Liza Masa
> Gabriela
> Philippines
> Adelar Pizzeta
> Movimiento dos Trabaljadores Rurais sem Terra (MST)
> Brazil
> Crispin Beltran
> May First Movemnet (KMU)
> Philippines
> Yash Tandon
> International South Group Network
> Zimbabwe
> Luis Jalandoni
> National Democratic Front
> Netherlands
> Prof. James Petras
> Binghamton University
> Deadline of registration is October 30, 1998. To receive registration materials, 
>please contact the secretariat.
> Conference Secretariat
> International Conference on Alternatives to Globaization
> IBON Foundation Inc.
> 3/F SCC Bldg. 4427 Int. Old Sta. Mesa,
> Manila 1008, Philippines
> Tel (063-2) 713-2737 / 713-2729 Fax (063-2) 716-0108
> http://www.info.com.ph/~ibon/conference.htm

Doug Hunt, Washington & UN Representative for UCC/NEER
Chair US NGO Caucus to UN Commission on Sustainable Development
Organizer, US Network for Sustainable Development Financing
f:301-593-7591 e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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