Durant wrote: (responding to Jay)
> What you ignore is, that we are able to evaluate
> which social structures can be more beneficial
> for us in the future,

The past provides the data from which scenarios of probable futures are
created. Science is the best process we have to calculate those
probabilities. I posted a long bibliography of hierarchies in ecology. You
are a scientist/technologist if I recall. An idealized social structure
that has never existed in the natural world doesn't fit the scenario
building criteria; it is speculative, creative writing.

> and we have the capacity
> to change our social structures inside of a few hundred years
> rather then waiting for biological evolution taking it's
> course through thousands of years.

Whatever life forms do - by definition - is part of biological evolution.
BTW, some scenarios give us less than 100 years to a significant population
crash. Better speed up! 
> Just because chimps live in a particular way, doesn't mean
> same is best for humans.

"Best" is a subjective judgement based on selected value criteria. Then
free will and effective implementation have to be assumed, neither of which
are unchallenged by social scientists, psychologists & philosophers. 

> After all - taking your argument -
> our "unnatural" ways made us the more successful species
> in your preferred biological sense.

Well, you lost me here, Eva.


> > >Of course, any and all relations can LOOK hierarchical IF you are
> > >prepared or intending to see them that way. The question is: are
> > >they REALLY hierarchical, and THAT requires more than looking.
> >
> > Isn't it rather silly to expect me to prove what is demonstrated to
> > you every day is true?
> >
> > Your personal incredulity is not a valid scientific argument.  Why
> >  don't you point some society -- or some social primate -- that
> >   doesn't have hierarchy?
> >
> >  It seems the burden to disprove our everyday experiences -- and
> >  the findings of the scientific community --  is on you.
> >
> > Jay
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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