Some ideas for the new futurework website.  Comments invited

(This is a re-posting of a proposal sent to S.Lerner which I supposed
would be forwarded to the list, but ??? )

S. Lerner wrote:
> The FW Website is now functioning (and the archives *will* be searchable
> soon!)
> What links and other materials would you FWers like to have on the FW
> Website?  Please let me know. We're  aiming for a 'one-stop' website for
> everyone interested in researching, discussing and reading about FW issues.


1  A catalogue of definitions of work, current and proposed, (conveyed
as alternative language games) with criteria/rules for distinguishing
work activities from non-work activities as clearly defined as
possible.  An open ended catalogue so that FWsers may propose additions
to it.  

This could be usefully accompanied by an on-line survey instrument
polling FWers, selected target groups, schools and the general public on
their preferred choice of definition for economic organisation in the

A further enrichment of this catalogue could be achieved if FWers could
support their nominations with short, succinctly phrased justifying

2  A catalogue of proposed new terms to label and distinguish each of
the various definitions now carried by the single word work as
catalogued above.

3  A catalogue of proposed 'alternative futures' in relation to the
future of work, providing 1-2 page summaries with links to detailed
expositions.  Here we would find versions of Income Guarantee schemes,
Gorz's concept, Albert & Hahnel's 'Participatory Economics' concept,
Offe's 'cooperative circle' concept and so on.  

As above, this catalogue could be enriched with the addition of a survey
instrument which could poll FW subscribers and others as to their
preferred schema.  

Links to critical commentary would further enrich such a catalogue.

Towards a powerful research/educational/political site for FW.  How
about it folks?

Richard Mochelle

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