Some dreams may come true, if they are based on
reality. When humans are made aware of some
dire danger, they act. I rather try to do something
than sitting back, watching the suffering of
other people, including my offsprings and
uttering my dying whisper: I told you so...

We have the means to make people aware,
once they are there is an immense pool of
creativeness to get us through. We yet have the resources.
Shouldn't we try whatever we can?
Shouldn't we go for a massive cooperation, 
rather than die?
Have you really so full of contempt for people
that you are content at the thought of us
disappearing without a whimper?
Perhaps this small probability coincidence of
all space conditions so steady in a corner of the universe
won't come together again, conscious life
won't ever happen again. 


> >The system doesn't work, the system has to go, to be
> >replaced by local and global democracies, initially
> >collating local resources and then having a global
> >stock-taking of what we can do to survive and sustain
> >what we can...
> Eva, you're dreaming.  The system will go, not because it is either
> capitalist or communist or anything else, but simply because the resources
> it requires are finite.  It may or may not last another 100 years, but its
> time is limited.  While it would be nice if it died with a whimper that
> allowed humankind to get on with the business of building a new and better
> system, it probably won't happen that way.  I would expect to see growing
> international violence as issues around who gets to use the last of the
> water table are settled.
> Ed Weick

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