> We are not computers, we are animals.   The genetic distance that separates
> us from pygmy or common chimps is only 1.6%  (the two chimps are separated
> by 0.7%).  In fact, we are the chimp's closest relative with the gorilla
> differing by 2.3%.

We are neither computers nor animals.
such factoids are not evidence for anyhting,
just like the other favourite "fact" used to be about
"humans not using 90% of their brain capacity".

> The human mind is a billion-year accumulation of innovations through
> countless animals, and through countless environments for specific reactions
> to specific situations.  Genes for a panic response to threat are millions
> of times more likely to pass on to future generations than genes for
> contemplation -- the runner wasn't as likely to get eaten as the thinker.

I don't think our ancesters could outrun the
sabre toothed whatever. They survived by being
able to think, communicate, remember; light fires,
make communal noise, throwing stones. Thinking was 
better for survival. And thinking "evolves" differently
than the species, so stop sticking to your outdated social darwinism. 
"Survival of the fittest" is not even a fair
representation of the theory of evolution.

> I can't think straight, but I can run like hell. <G>

you must have had a better pe teacher than I,my running
technique is attrocious.


> Jay  -- www.dieoff.com
> p.s., Please pass the bananas

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