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>Date:          Thu, 13 Aug 1998 22:44:01 -0500
>From:          Steven Clift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:       Internet and Politics Conference - Finland Jan 99
>To:            Multiple recipients of list DO-WIRE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***
>Enclosed are sections from the 2nd International Congress
>on Electronic Media and Citizenship in Information Society -
>Invitation and Call for Abstracts.  The 1996 Congress in Germany
>was a useful event that brought together some of the world's best
>experts in the Internet and politics arena.  This event should be
>an exciting opportunity for further global networking by those
>interested in improving democracy as it converges with the
>Steven Clift
>Democracies Online
>For similar updates, join the Democracies Online Newswire.  Send a
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>Politics and Internet
>2nd International Congress on Electronic Media
>and Citizenship in Information Society
>6-9 January 1999
>Espoo, Jyvaeskylae, Oulu and Tampere, Finland
>Main URL: http://www.dipoli.hut.fi/pi99/
>On whose terms are the information society and technology being
>developed?  How are information technology and communication
>affecting democracy and making of  joint decisions? What new
>networks and models are emerging to pave the way for decisions? Is
>the responsibility for content production being left to the
>entertainment industry? Is the government under obligation to
>influence the trend in information society, and if so, what is its
>role and scope? What do the new trends have to offer different
>groups or the individual?
>The Politics & Internet congress scheduled for January 1999 will
>be a follow-up to the event held in Munich in 1997. Its aim is to
>put forward the Nordic perspective on a field marked both
>technical innovations and their applications in everyday life and
>an attempt to ensure balanced development and social cohesion.  The
>organisation of the congress will be in the hands of the Finnish
>National Fund for Research and Development (SITRA) on the
>initiative of the Finnish Parliament.
>More than 100 organisations are involved in the preparation of the
>project alone: companies, associations, universities, public
>agencies, representatives of political parties, NGOs, tele
>operators, the media, etc  Close to thousand participants are
>expected to visit the four congress venues - Espoo, Tampere,
>Jyvaeskylae, and Oulu - on 6-9 January 1999, making the congress a
>joint national effort. For the first three days it will be based
>on Dipoli in Espoo, after which delegates will proceed to the
>satellite congress of their choice in one of the other towns.
>The contents of the conference will be highly varied. Leading
>thinkers from Europe, the USA and Asia will be invited to speak at
>the joint sessions, which will be complemented by sessions on
>related themes viewing the issues from the point of view of the
>ordinary citizen, business, research and politics. There will also
>be an exhibition featuring various projects and new technologies.
>The language of the conference will be English.
>Conference Program:
>Congress on 6-8 January
>  Programme schedule
>  See: http://www.dipoli.hut.fi/pi99/schedule.html
>  Main themes
>Congresses on 9 January
>  Congress in Jyvaeskylae
>  Congress in Oulu
>  Congress in Tampere
>Invited speakers include
>Dr. Benjamin Barber, the Walt Whitman Center, Rutgers, USA
>Dr. Tarja Cronberg, Regional Council of North-Carelia, Finland
>Dr. Bertel Haarder, Vice President of European Parliament
>Dr. Christa Maar, Academy for the Third Millenium, Germany
>Dr. Jean-Francois Marchipont, European Commission
>Dr. Jens Thorhauge, The Danish National Library Authority, Denmark
>Ms. Riitta Uosukainen, Speaker of the Finnish Parliament
>Who shoud attend
>The congress welcomes the participation of decision makers from all
>levels of politics and public sector, researchers in political and
>social science and information and communication technology, NGOs
>and representatives of commerce and industry as well as members of
>the public.
>The Politics & Internet congress discusses the new roles of Public
>Sector, Private Sector and Third Sector. This discussion falls under
>three main themes and within them under several sub-themes. The
>themes and topics will be explained in more detail in the next
>congress brochure.
>Please see the programme schedule for the list of sessions. The
>length of each session is 2 hours, and they will be either
>traditional sessions with four presentations in each, round table
>discussions, workshops or 'meet the experts' sessions, where you can
>put questions to the professionals.

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