Ed Weick wrote:
> Brad McCormick:
> >Russia wasn't flushed down any entropy toilet: It was
> >flushed down the *economic* toilet (i.e., its head was placed
> >under the water and held there till the body stopped
> >struggling) by the "White" forces (the good guys always
> >come in white!) of global capitalism.
> >
> >Surely Stalin was
> >highly "entropic", but the West's strategy of

[This was not a good matephor, because Stalin produced
a lot of *order* ("negative entropy") as well as
disorder (kulaks, Trotsky, whatever parts of the
Gulag ate more than they produced, etc.).]

> >*strangling* the Soviet economy to cause the Russian
> >peole to revolt -- a policy which began in 1917 and
> >finally "succeeded" a few years ago (that's at least 70
> >years' sustained intention) cannot be called "entropy"
> >but rather malice of purpose.  Reagan was *so* proud of
> >his "greatest achievement": that the victim finally
> >suffocated on his watch!
> I don't think this is right.
> As well, the fact that a considerable proportion of GNP was devoted to the
> military,

I am finding it worthy of remark that, now, even the
most respectable "organs" (remember that word?) of 
capitalist journalism treat it as a
truism that, essentially,
The Soviet Union collapsed because its economy wasn't
big enough to produce both guns and butter -- unlike
The United States, *and* that this was the underlying
"game plan" of the Cold War: to force the Communists 
to spend more than they could afford on armaments,
to drive them to [economic, not just moral] bankruptcy.

I guess George Kennan [in his famous "X" article
in Foreign Affairs, ca. 1948] didn't mention *this*
aspect of the policy of economic strangulation because
either he didn't understand it, or else because he did

I think it reflects badly on the left analysts
in the West that they apparently missed this point which,
had it been *WIDELY PUBLICIZED IN THE 50s and 60s*,
might -- just might -- have helped the Soviet Union
address its real threats from the West.  Well,
who knows who knew what, and I certainly do not
wish to imply that I think the Soviet government
was anything good for its people, but, given the
choice, I think I'd probably rather live under 
Khruschev (and definitely, Tito!) than Yeltsin's 
(or the Serbo-Croatian) social devolution.

The "net": We strangled Communism in a way
that was even cleverer than anyone imagined.
The whole thermonuclear arms race was either
a brilliant plot by or an incredible stroke of good
luck for the West, in that it accomplished the
evisceration of the Soviet economy *from
within* that we could never bring about
vis-a-vis a country so rich in natural resources
and people willing to sacrifice without
limit for "mother Russia", that no blockade
from without could make it happen.  God
blessed America....

\brad mccormick

   Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
   Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
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