> This raised a question for me: Could this be a useful weak spot we could 
> exploit more cleverly than so far? Rather than take on the whole issue of 
> free trade and thus the entire global nomenklatura, by distinguishing 
> between trade in commodities and manufactures and the frictionless flow of 
> financial capital around the globe, tactically it could make it easier to 
> deal with the problems particularly being caused to monetary systems by 
> the removal of regulation, and begin to replace necessary regulatory 
> controls, in effect dividing the capitalist camp between those more rooted 
> in production and trade in goods, and the money-money financial casino 
> capitalist... 

My impression as a non-economist is, that separating the
manufacturing/trade and financial capital is not possible,
they are too intertwined with financial capital having
a much greater effect globally. 
Most capital is "invested"
in the financial market, insurance. real estate
and similar virtual moneymakers, that is,
ingradients of the present bubble, ready to be
The reason for this was ofcource the reduced profibility
and long-term return aspect of manufacturing/trade
in the instable environment of the last couple of decades.
Which won't get any better, so... perhaps this time
we've got to the real rotting/grave-digging stage...


> Chalmers Johnson 

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