Jay Hanson wrote:
> >Ed Weick:
> >I would suggest that the application of intelligence to human affairs
> >becomes stupid when it rests on the notion that people should serve grander
> >ends and not get on with their lives as they see fit. The greatest
> Hi Ed,
> I think that ALL application of "intelligence to human affairs" is to get
> more sex. How could it be otherwise?
Unless you're "into" Hegel or Freud (things turning into their
opposites, etc.), this thesis just won't fly. Item: There is
a group of people on the Internet (at newsgroup: alt.castration,
if I remember right), who are "into" the benefits of castration.
Also, there's some sociological studies which show that a
lot of people don't really like sex, etc.
This is not to say
that *a lot* of human behavior is not motivated by sex (But I'd
cast my vote for: (1) revenge, and (2) power, first, however; or
maybe: (1) power and (2) revenge -- with sex being #3, perhaps...
-- Nietzsche saw some things pretty clearly....)
Sex simply cannot explain "ALL application of human
intelligence", *especially* in those felicitous cases
where a person's sexual (and, more broadly: intimacy) needs
are fully satisfied. Not *all* (just maybe 98%) of
culture is what Freud called
"sublimation" (Al Lingis, in his book _Excesses_, has a chapter
on a sexually non-repressed high-culture in medieval Cambodia,
for one example). "The British Empire was... acquired
in a fit... of absence of women", but not Khajuraho.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> by Jay Hanson
> Once upon a time there was a spaceship in which "rivets" were
> used for currency. Why rivets? Because on this particular
> spaceship, one could trade rivets for sex!
> Those individuals who were best at pulling rivets out of the
> spaceship hull -- the "Pullocrats" -- had the most political
> power because they controlled the most sex. As might be
> expected, "pulling rivets" became the most-talked-about and
> most-envied measure of personal worth.
> Unsure of their moral justification, the Pullocrats employed
> "Pulling Priests" (or "PPs") to search Holy Scripture for the
> truth.
Actually, I think you missed an important part
of the story. The adults told all the young people that
sex was *bad* (and, of course, that masturbation
would turn you into a turnip --> if you were *lucky*...).
The adults told all the young people that they should
apply themselves to *pulling rivets*, instead.
And what happened to the rivets the kids pulled?
Why, of course, (and here we reconnect with your part
of the story) -- the adults took the rivets
from the kids and traded them for sex (and they
arrested Peewee Herman for playing with his rivet...)....
A pox on all prudes!
\brad mccormick
Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.
Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
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