You're right - this post certainly doesn't belong here. And, frankly, I now
wonder about the credibility of your work in global modeling. Simple-minded?!
"Douglas P. Wilson" wrote:
> Briefly, what I'm suggesting is that a very different ultimatum should
> be given to the Serbs: Stop Killing or We Recognize Kosovo as
> Independent.
Seems to me that's pretty close to the present deal: We recognize the right of
Kosovo to be an autonomous region, the Kosovars agree and now the Serbs must
stop killing - or else!
> It is a matter of principle: Nations do NOT shell their own county --
> so if the Serbs continue shelling Kosovo villages it PROVES that Kosovo
> is NOT a part of Yugoslavia, and the world community should therefore
> recognize Kosovo.
A matter of principle? Whose principle? Civil war is hardly uncommon.