why do we reinvent the wheel?

work on overload is as old as ICT and somehow I feel it would be good to include some old work and initiatives which were too early, or were not understood, or the technology or we humans were not up to it.
If this group/lists are really wanting to look at the issues seriously and constructively we migth want to look at the work of UNU, UIA, and many other bodies nicelely summarized in:
Project on Information Overload and Information Underuse (IOIU) of the Global Learning Division of the United Nations University (Area 6: Coding and the socio-cultural context of information, 1986)
Review of Frameworks for the Representation of Alternative Conceptual Orderings as Determined by Cultural and Linguistic Contexts

Anti-Developmental Biases in Thesaurus Design
Knowledge-Representation in a Computer-Supported Environment

Anti-Developmental Biases in Thesaurus Design

Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Numberp://www.uia.org/knowledg/numb0.htm

Global Strategies Project: Reframing the Unknown
7.2 Strategic denial: reframing the unknown

Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors

and the efforts of  EEES  Environmental Experts of the Economic Summit (G7), UNEP, SRU and others some 15 and more years ago and where this efforts are now, and how they could fit into what is needed and possible.

Harmonization of Environmental Measurement

Access and Assimilation:
     Pivotal Environmental Information Challenges -
     Linking, Archiving, and Exploiting Multi-Lingual and
     Multi-Scale Environmental Information Repositories

Proposing a Conceptual  Superstructure
Work-Report of a Vision to explore issue-scapes like virtual landscapes

 'THE CAPACITY TO GOVERN' - Seven Points to Remember

here only "point" 6 and 7:
6. Research into spatial metaphors supporting local and global governance by enabling understanding of  intersectoral strategic dilemmas of action and results chains in a symbolic and trans-cultural form, for shared exploration of issues and evaluation of proportions and consequences with differentiation between data, conjectures and 'noise' in policy information.

7. Further development of a conceptual superstructure as a reference paradigm to ease access to salient data while avoiding unnecessary redundancy and overloads.

TERMINOLOGY and MLIS Multi-LINGUAL Information Society:

Here we write : we should not only change seats, but the script, when we are in the wrong  film:

Maybe some of the above is new to some members of this list
so we could assemble more force and depth to takle the issues, and not avoid problems of terminology, and frames, and sets, and and and

One central proble is that value is hidden and lost in volumes of noise. Solutions are proposed and elaborated and used in prototypes over th alst 20 and more years. If we could only see that there are ways to use other representation and (re)search paradigms.

heiner benking

There is growing lament that wisdom, imagination and virtue are lost
when messages double, information halves, knowledge quarters,...
and noise without origin, quality, and purpose is everywhere.

But  how to overcome this downward spiral?

Westrienen, Gerard van wrote:

Yaw Fitzgerald wrote:
>> I agree with Alistair Scott of the UK DFID. The work that is being done
by ID21 needs to be replicated. The important thing with  the so called
knowledge overload  is to sift the available information properly.  >>

I agree completely with Yaw Fitzgerald and favour activities like ID21.

There is growing lament that wisdom, imagination and virtue are lost
when messages double, information halves, knowledge quarters,...
and noise without origin, quality, and purpose is everywhere.

But  how to overcome this downward spiral?


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