The problem has been too big for too long to pay it lip service
anymore! ˙

     The training efforts of many companies have little or no impact on
operational and financial results. Many training courses sound good,
look good and allow participants to feel good and up-to-date-but in
fact, written and/or oral mastery of course content does not happen just
because eager professional, managerial and technical workers rave about
a given program. Further, even if mastery occurs, there is no guarantee
that what is learned will be applied to specific work and performance. ˙

     The Solution
     Utilize the approach of today’s winning organizations. Managing th˙
training function for results is not generically different than managing
any other aspect of management. ˙

     It involves the formulation of training strategies...setting
training outcome goals and objectives...developing training
actions...implementing training plans...using control systems for
monitoring feedback and taking corrective action when the desired
outcomes are not achieved.
     Whenever an internal training organization faces an important
training decision, it must first think through the desired
results-before the means of measuring performance and results can be
determined. How is performance for this target group of participants to
be defined? ˙

     Many internal organizations, even when outsourcing training
activities to private contractors, are now specifying quantitative
goals, computing before-and-after performance measurements and holding
those responsible for the delivery process accountable. ˙

     The conference on “Performance Measurements For Training,” to be˙

held November 17-19, 1997, in Chicago, will help you find out how
winning organizations...Anticipate & overcome powerful resistance to
measuring training results...Avoid the use of too many measures & too
few measures...Focus on maximizing the use of performance data to
improve the training delivery process...Budget for training results, not
programs. ˙

     By attending, you’ll hear over 25 speakers from leading
organizations who know how to make training pay, including: INTEL

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Organized by the International Quality & Productivity Center

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