Well, let's assume you are right.  That your half century of teaching has
produced a profound truth and that this is the way it really is.  Man's
desires are unlimited.  Certainly the evidence in the daily paper seems to
substantiate this idea.  Self interest reigns supreme.  We, collectively,
should give up any pretense of altruism and the virtues of hard work so
espoused by our neo-con brothers.  Obviously a life of crime and violence
and exploitation will put me in natural harmony with my species desire that
leads to the fulfillment of my desires. That life, according to the
"science" of economics, whether CEO, politician or foreman at the local
plant only has reason to the degree that it can fulfill my unlimited
desires with the least exertion.  Darwin called it right.  Evolution is a
nasty business and it is only by fulfilling our natural destiny of trying
to accumulate more - more money, more power, more women, more children and
at the top of the heap is Homo Sapien supremo - the dictator who can
enforce his desires for more of everything.  

And, oh yes, another's pain is certainly more preferable than our own. 
Another's slavery is more desirable than our slavery, another's poverty is
more desirable than our poverty, another's illness and suffering is more
preferable than our illness and suffering.  It is more desirable to have a
good life and let the descendants inherit a world that has no wildlife, no
energy, no natural resources.  After all, why should anyone care what
happens after they die.  The important thing is to satisfy my desires with
the least possible effort.

And you know, as I read this, I realise I am describing the world I live
in.  You are right.  Even Mother Teresa and Princes Di had unlimited
desires and wanted to achieve them with the least exertion.  So let's drop
the pretense.  Let's get rid of any concept of ideology that supports
brotherhood, that fights injustice, that seeks to improve the world, the
wildlife, the family of man.  Let Mexico City reign supreme.  Let us
fulfill the imperative of economics, let's burn, plunder, pollute,
manufacture bombs so we can create wars, just take care of number one
whether that is just the individual or the group it is convenient to belong
to.  Like being a US citizen who has a President who considers the value of
the life of one of their soldiers of more value than the life of a child
who has to spend their life with no legs - how do you make love with no
legs - no matter, the No 1 group doesn't care as long as it has legs - let
the mines be planted.  Oh yes, we in Canada have a surplus of wheat and
grains, let us sell it for a profit.  Those women and kids starving in
Africa with distended bellies - to bad, we deserve to make a profit, after
all, we killed and lied to the Indians to get their land and now we sit in
air conditioned tractors listening to the Rolling Stones while claiming how
hard we work and how much taxes we pay.  And if they do manage to live,
well then, they then become a developing market to exploit with ruinous
loans for profit.

Perhaps, we should be more upfront and start teaching these hard realities
in elementary school.  I can see it now, a new career development path,
kindergarten economics.  How to manipulate your parents for profit.  At
least economics is telling the truth.  Profit is the only thing to live for
because you are designed by nature to have unlimited desires and the wisest
among you will find ways to satisfy those desires with the least amount of
exertion.  Let's turn in our toy guns for the real thing.  After all, the
brigands of history have always found it is easier to steal someone else's
wealth rather than exert themselves to create their own.

So Harry, I trust you and all the other professors keep on teaching the
gospel.  Make the exercises hard, let the students learn about hard choices
and profit.  Keep up the good work Harry, so that you can get unlimited
praise and promotion with the least amount of exertion.  It's the way
things are and if you don't do it, someone else will and then you will be
the victim.

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